About Us

Our company has as main object of activity the organization of hunting trips, on the most representatives areas. The internal transport may be assured by us, with jeeps, limousines, minibuses and in special cases with helicopters

The accommodation may be in hunting chalets with an adequate comfort, situated exactly in the hunting matches or in the nearest hotels. When arriving in Romania, the guests are to be waited in the custom frontiers by our guide from whose services, the guests will benefit for the entire period of hunting.

For the acquired hunting trophies, we assure to deliver, from the Romanian authorities, the sanitary-veterinary certificate, the CITES certificate as well as the necessary documents in the custom. During the period of your sitting in Romania, there can be organised trips of touring interest near the hunting areas.

Romania Hunting

Commercial Reg. No.:

Unique Reg. Code:

410170, Sofiei Street, Nr. 17
Oradea, Bihor, Romania

Romania Hunting Team

Florin Gavris

Professional Hunter

Adriana Gavris

Event Organizer

Radu Duca

Professional Hunter

Neag Marius

Professional Hunter

Filip Sebastian

Professional Hunter